Unwrapping Your New Home Christmas Morning


Name another builder that works day and night to get you your house for Christmas?

We are talking on the job and in full swing at 5:00 AM Christmas Eve to make sure that it was ready for the new owners to take possession and make their Christmas wish come true.

No one else would have done it.


Elk Ridge Custom Homes isn’t the average company. We do everything humanly possible to do the right thing.

Being able to deliver this house for Christmas was the right thing, and we accomplished that.


To the new owners…

Merry Christmas and welcome home!


Here are some shots of what we finished up today…

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Elk Ridge Custom Homes


Happy Holidays from Elk Ridge Custom Homes


Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s make up what we call the Holiday Season, but the truth is that there are reasons to celebrate throughout the entire year; and as the year comes to an end, we would like each of you to take a moment to reflect on what “celebrations” you had.

At Elk Ridge there is a lot to be thankful for

  • We have our Elk Ridge family, and we have our families that we go home to each night.
  • We have built some beautiful homes for a lot of great people that let us be a part of their lives.
  • We have built and remodeled numerous buildings and properties that have impacted the lives of hundreds of people around the area.
  • Our business has grown.
  • Our business has changed.
  • Our reach and ties to the community have strengthened, allowing us to make new friends and connections that better helped our neighbors in need.
  • We have become the liaisons for thousands looking to move to our neck of the woods from all over the country. Some have moved and now live in an Elk Ridge custom built home, some are here and waiting for their Elk Ridge home to be finished, some have moved and live in a different house or apartment (not recommended by our personal and biased experts), some never moved at all; but all of them came to Elk Ridge first looking for information.


Why come to us first?

Because people know us (even if they never met us face-to-face) and they trust us.

We started as a family business, and we still are a family business. That will never change.


Thank you for letting us be a part of your lives.

From our family to yours…

Merry Christmas from Elk Ridge Custom Homes!!!!



Rain Rain Keep People Away


It’s true that it rains in the Pacific Northwest (PNW), but is it as much as the stereotypes have made it out to be?

The Western most parts of Washington and Oregon are absolutely beautiful with their green landscapes, and that is because it does rain, and so at least part of the stereotype must be true.


But is all of it true? Does it rain all of the time?

Would it surprise you if we said no?


Elk Ridge Custom Homes put it to the test…


Do you remember that old song…”The Ballad of Davy Crockett”?

The song starts off…

“Born on a mountain in Tennessee

Greenest state in the land of the free…”


Greenest state?????

If it’s green then it must rain.

Tennessee is beautiful no doubt, but is the scenery more beautifully green than the PNW?



Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and we’re not even getting into that fight.

So let’s look at average rainfall instead to see how our area, which is the Portland-Vancouver metro area, ranks in a list of ten US cities that get a fair amount of rain every year.


New Orleans, LA – 62.7 inches of rain yearly

Miami, FL – 61.9 inches of rain yearly

Memphis, TN – 53.7 inches of rain yearly

Birmingham, AL – 53.7 inches of rain yearly

Orlando, FL – 50.7 inches of rain yearly

Houston, TX – 49.8 inches of rain yearly

Providence, RI – 47.2 inches of rain yearly

Tampa, FL – 46.3 inches of rain yearly

Raleigh, NC – 46.0 inches of rain yearly

Portland, OR – 43.5 inches of rain yearly


What do you know?

Tennessee might be greener than Washington and Oregon based solely off of rainfall.


So yes it does rain here, but no it’s not what the stereotypes try and make it out to be.


So in conclusion…

Raining every day is false, and that rumor was probably made up by some anti-tourist group trying to keep the beauty to themselves.



When it does rain, our custom built homes will keep you dry.


Elk Ridge Custom Homes

Getting More House for Less Cash…Why the Pacific Northwest Makes Sense

It is absolutely true that the Pacific Northwest (PNW) has something for everyone; deserts, mountains, rivers, the ocean, and four different seasons.

Question is…

Where do you want to live?

Small town? Big city? On a farm? On a mountain? On the ocean?

Wherever it is that you want to live, the PNW has a location to fit your needs, and Elk Ridge Custom Homes can put you in your dream home.


But let’s scale the PNW down to a smaller area…

The Portland-Vancouver metro area…

People move here every day, but why do they move here?

Well it’s not to become hipsters (that happens on its own).


They move here for the beauty of the green scenery. They move here for the friendly smiles. They move here for the food, fresh produce, beer, wine, and coffee. They move here because it is affordable.

People move here because they want to…plain and simple.



Think about everything that we said. Do you want it? It’s yours for the taking.

Imagine having options to do the things that you want to do in an area that you want to live in.


Have you thought about a house?

Here at Elk Ridge Custom Homes, we have helped people just like you customize and build the homes of their dreams; homes looking out over the water, the city skyline, a vineyard, or their own backyard.

People are surprised (in a good way) on what they can get for their money when they move here, and Elk Ridge homes are no different.


Think about it…

A 3,000 sq. ft. custom built house for the cost of a studio apartment in San Francisco, or a one-bedroom apartment in New York City.

The numbers don’t lie. Check out the housing costs from four cities (two West Coast and two East Coast) compared to the Portland-Vancouver metro area.


Housing costs only

Los Angeles, CA = 143% more expensive

San Francisco, CA = 347% more expensive

New York, NY = 138% more expensive

Boston, MA = 108% more expensive



Welcome to the PNW, and now that you are here living in the perfect location, in your perfect house; what do you do with all of the extra money that you saved buying an Elk Ridge custom built home? Perhaps buy a flannel shirt and a cup of java (our attempt at a hipster joke).


Elk Ridge Custom Homes


Only One House and That’s Your House


There are a lot of companies that build a lot of homes every year; 200-400 new homes a year should be a lot compared to anyone’s standard, and we’re not insulting these companies because there is an obvious need.

Like those golden arches…“99 Billion served”.


We however, take a different approach.

We are not in it for quantity. There is no race to see who can build the most houses. If there was, we wouldn’t even complete.


We could compete…

We don’t care to.

The only competition that we have is with ourselves. How do we improve the standard? How do we do more with less so that the customer wins?


As stated before…

The homes that we build, are homes that we like and would live in ourselves.

That’s the truth.

And honestly we cannot live in every house that we build because we physically can’t, and people have called us out on that.


For example

There is this residential area in Washougal where we are currently building six homes. The houses are all single-story and a nice size for pretty much anybody.

This guy points out one of the houses and asks, “Are you telling me that you would really sell your house and move into this house here?”

The answer was, “No, but that’s because I like my house and I put a lot of custom work into it, and I don’t feel like starting the process all over again.”

The guy snickered, but he was cut off…

“However, I’m trying to get daughter and my son-in-law to buy this home. It’s a great home, in a great area, and the value will just increase. So no I won’t live in this home, but I feel comfortable having my children and grandchildren live here.”

The guy walked off speechless.


We’re not trying to build 400 houses this year…

We’re building your home.

Elk Ridge Custom Homes has a moral standard to be the best, because you’re the best and you deserve a home perfect for your needs and built for your wants.


Call Elk Ridge today…



A Writer on a Journey with Elk Ridge Custom Homes


As a person that works with a lot of different businesses, people, and personalities; there is somewhat of commonality amongst these groups. So much, that one can “predict” the outcome of an event.

I’m not a psychic, nor can I actually predict anything; I am however, able to understand people and why they do what they do. This skill is very beneficial to my profession.

So when I say that spending the day with Elk Ridge Custom Homes was eye opening; please don’t take that lightly, because some of the things that I saw were shocking.

Shocking in a good way, because the attention to detail was some of the best that I have ever seen.


I cannot claim to be a builder of any sort, and anyone who knows me can vouch for that, but I am a consumer who knows what he likes.


If I ever get the opportunity in life to build a home; Elk Ridge is the only company that I would call.


Because of the details.

On some of the homes that I got to go to on my adventure, I saw a specific type of siding that needed to be gapped to allow for movement and prolong the life of the product (and the house). At first, it seemed like a small detail for us to be inspecting, but as I was taught the “why”, then it became clear to me that they were looking at the big picture. Why build something that wasn’t going to last?

But what really blew my mind was that Elk Ridge was willing to rip the siding off of the walls and start over if it didn’t meet their quality check. Thousands of dollars that they would have to eat, just to make sure that it was done right.


There are no shortcuts with Elk Ridge.

That was just the siding. Everything they use is quality.


Roofs for example

Some builders go with a 20 year limited warranty roof. Some go with a 50 year. Not Elk Ridge…they go with a lifetime limited warranty roof.


Because they put their name on the house, and if Elk Ridge puts their name on anything, it can be sure to outlast you and me.


There is however, more than quality product…

There are quality people.


On one of the jobsites that we visited, there was this red mud everywhere, and I mean everywhere. It was a mess. The team that I was with was not having it; they were pissed, because the mud was all over the building site (of course), but it was also over the sidewalk and the road.

The boss got to the heart of the issue quickly, because his company’s name was on this build, and the mess was uncalled for and ridiculous. The mud all over the sidewalk and street was caused by a delivery driver who was delivering materials and had gotten stuck.

I saw Elk Ridge flex their muscles. They had the delivery company on the phone, and had them coming out to clean up their mess. Even though it is construction site, that attention to detail, even when it comes to cleanliness, is untouchable.

On my own, I talked to a few of the neighbors around the build site. To my surprise, there were no complaints. Which surprised me, and so I dug a little deeper. The truth was that there was noise and inconveniences that come with any build, but Elk Ridge was so professional in everything, that the neighbors couldn’t complain. They were so used to, and expected, lower quality builders, that they couldn’t find anything negative to say simply because of comparison.

Remember I talked about the red mud?

It was all over my shoes. It was also all over the builder’s boots.

I took some photos of two of the workers, Smokey and Chris, as they were building a deck on the back of one of the houses.


I want you to pay attention to Smokey’s feet…

His worn, but clean, white tennis shoes.


How did he keep them clean in all of that red mud?


He would change his shoes and boots Mr. Roger’s style whenever he went between stepping into the home (including the deck) and onto the muddy ground.

This was a step that added a minute (he was really quick), but it was so impressive to see. The care and quality never swayed on the Elk Ridge site.


What about business partners and working with other contractors?

A handshake…literally a handshake (I’m sure that there was more to it).


For example…

Clayton and his crew fromMy Concrete Guy, LLC.” were top notch. They are true professionals. They were able to explain where they were in the project, and what was happening going forward.

Honestly…true professionals.


I knew right away why Elk Ridge had been partnering with them to do the concrete work on the project.

With a handshake, the two companies partnered up for additional work.

It didn’t hurt my feelings that Clayton offered up some of his pizza; although I didn’t take any, it was a really nice gesture that said a lot about the man. I would have eaten a piece or six, but it was his and his crew’s lunch, and all I was doing was standing around asking questions.

My Concrete Guy, LLC.” is a great company that I had the privilege of meeting and learning a little bit about. I wouldn’t hesitate to give them all of my concrete business (if I had any).


In conclusion…

I saw a lot, and I learned a lot. I was able to see different Elk Ridge homes in different levels of completion all over the area. I saw build sites in residential areas, scenic hill tops, in the country, and in town.


There is a quality that amazed me. Every aspect of the build held a standard that I didn’t know existed in any one company.

There was no quality-vs-quantity…

There was only quality.


I know that they talk about it, but to actually see, firsthand, a company willing to lose money to make it right was that jaw dropping moment for me. Elk Ridge is everything that they claim to be.

Am I biased?

It’s hard not to be after I seen the best, but truthfully, I’m a writer who has nothing to gain or lose by writing this piece. I’m not in the market for a custom built home, nor am I looking to buy an Elk Ridge home at this time. I’m simply sharing my journey with Elk Ridge Custom Homes with you…take it or leave it.






House # 2 is the Elk Ridge Custom Homes – Model 1709


Here we are with house number 2…

Celebrity description…

(Model 1709) The Lizzie Taylor House – Elizabeth Taylor, like this home, was elegant but not overstated. This is a home where young love tosses pebbles at the upstairs windows, and where children eagerly watch snow fall outside the big bay window.


Actual description…

(Model 1709) Truly a home with possibilities, simply from its single-story layout. The open concept design allows easy flow from one room to another without missing a moment.

They say that the kitchen is the heart of the home for a reason, and this home was built around that single premise. This is truly a family home; and like all of our homes, this home can be upgraded to meet all CAPS/ADA certifications.


Do you have a better name? Let us know…


Elk Ridge Revives Dead Homes for Modern Day Love

The ranch style house was the perfect family home for two decades. As the 1950’s began, the ranch style housing boom was going at full speed and it last until the end of the 1970’s.

During this time, 4 out of every 5 houses built was a ranch style home.

After WWII, the American people wanted a fresh start, and single-story open-concept homes became the answer.


It didn’t hurt the market or trend that celebrities got onto the ranch style bandwagon.


(Ronald Reagan pictured in his ranch style home)


Times change and people went away from the single-story ranch, and back to the two-story homes of years prior.



The people (home buyers) didn’t say that. They never asked for the change.


Then who did?

The home BUILDERS did. The construction companies that build homes found that they could go with a smaller footprint and roofline to save money as the price of land skyrocketed in the 1980’s.


The return of the two-story house.

The two-story home was the newest rage, and it was just plain exciting sitting among the older ranches.



They were about 30% cheaper to build…thus cheaper to buy.


(John Wayne pictured in his ranch style home)


People still want the ranch style home, but nobody builds them anymore because there’s no profit to be made.


Until that is…

Elk Ridge Custom Homes stepped up and said, “We’ll do it”.


And they have been.


Is there a profit to be made in building a ranch style home?

If there is, we’re not getting rich off of it, but there is more to the story than just money. Elk Ridge is doing it because the people want it, and because it is needed.

The money will come, because the market will demand it (so don’t worry about us).


The truth is…

Stairs are hard on the elderly, the disabled, and the really young.

And you know that we’re not wrong.


Two-story homes are great, and we love them as well, but there is something exciting about a single-story open-concept ranch style home that brings togetherness to the family living there.


And to make things clear…

Elk Ridge isn’t redoing retro 1950’s homes.


We’re a custom home builder.

We are bringing the look, style, amenities, and conveniences of the 21st century to the ranch style concept.


If you were to somehow drop an Elk Ridge home of today back into the 1950’s, people would think that “The Jetsons” lived there (and that is saying a lot because “The Jetsons” didn’t even come out until the 1960’s…that’s how up-to-date and modern Elk Ridge is).


Question time

Is the home that you’re building/buying now the home of your dreams?

Do you see yourself growing old in your home?

Do you prefer a two-story or single-story home? Why?

Do you do what is trendy now, or do you look towards the future?

Are you the example that others follow?


We’re not trying to be mean…we’re trying to get you to think about the entire process, and what your life will look like 5, 10, 20 years down the road.


Another question(s)…

What if we were to give you options in your price range? Would you buy a modern ranch style then?


Here’s a funny thought…

Baby Boomers started their lives and grew up in in ranch style homes. Isn’t it fitting for them to enjoy their later years in a ranch style home?

Things always seem to come full-circle…WELCOME HOME!!!!!


Celebrity Home #1 – Elk Ridge Model 1635

Ok…we said that we were going to do it, and here it is.

Our 1st house that we are sharing is Elk Ridge Custom Homes – Model 1635.


As we said…

We are going right down the list of our home designs from top to bottom. If you want to play along and see which house we’re doing next, simply jump over to our site at https://elkridgecustoms.com/ and hover over the “New Homes” tab.


Here we go…


Celebrity description…

(Model 1635) The Gene Autry House – Imagine old Gene Autry sitting on the porch, boots propped up on the railing, playing a guitar. This is a home for a family waiting to fill it with stories, life, and laughter.


Actual description…

(Model 1635) A home for a family waiting to fill it with stories, life, and laughter. It is the smallest of our homes, but the layout will keep you from feeling cramped because we designed it with you in mind; with everything that you would need, all on one floor.

Plus, being a single-story home, we have removed the safety and convenience issues that stairs sometime bring; and like all of our homes, this home can be upgraded to meet all CAPS/ADA certifications.



Based on the home and layout, can you think of a “better” celebrity name?


Having Fun with Elk Ridge Model Homes

We are proud of the homes that we design and build; and frankly, we can’t choose our favorite.


Except for James that is…

…his favorite is his own home (which happens to be an Elk Ridge home).


So one day we’re looking over the home designs while updating our website, and one of the designs made us think that a certain celebrity of the 1950’s would have lived there.

Which got us looking over the other designs and pairing them up with famous folks, and we “unofficially” renamed our houses for the fun of it.


We still have the names and the reasons why, and we want to share them.

And we are going to release them over the next couple of weeks here and there simply for the fun of it, and of course to show off some of our designs.


Please comment and share what celebrities you feel go with these homes.


We are going to go right down the list, starting with Model 1635.


You can find the list of model homes under the “New Homes” tab on our website at… https://elkridgecustoms.com/


Thank you for playing along!!!!
